Why Don't Board Members Stay Engaged?
Today a Board VP asked me, "Why don't Board members stay engaged? They start out enthusiastic and then their activity tapers off." There are basically three reasons why Board members participate in meetings, committees and fundraising: They know the other members and are friendly with them. They belong and want to contribute to their team. They know what to do and how to do it. Offer samples and "a buddy" even if your member is successful in business. He or she may not feel confident about asking for a donation or leading a committee of volunteers. They know what they do or say matters. They want to make a difference. Knowing these three motivators, it's easier to design activities, meetings or retreats that foster engagement. For instance, a Fundraising Letter Writing Party ties all three reasons together. Socializing, especially if there's food, sample letters for members to use as a basis for thei...