Where's the Soul of Sustainability?
This post was originally written in May, 2011. What's wrong with environmental sustainability? Why do so many people think it's bogus, unworkable, too costly or just plain unscientific? Why don't people flock to Sustainable Cleveland 2019, Entrepreneurs for Sustainability or the Corporate Sustainability Network? Why do we have "debates" about global warming, climate change and the worthiness of the EPA? One reason may be the religious fervor with which some proponents speak. When we hear that we're all going to hell in a handbasket, that the planet is going to burn up, that this fire and brimstone future is due to our immoral, greed-based, selfish way of living and that self-sacrifice and doing good works (such as installing CFL or LED light bulbs and riding a bike to work) will save us, is it any wonder that people turn their backs on us? Haven't we all heard this before? Why should those who have faith in an almig...