Using the Creative Process - One Model
(Original Post Date: Early April 2010)
Like most of my fellow humans, I have lots of limiting beliefs so I developed a creative, intuitive process to bypass them. Remember when we used to make collages to help us visualize our dreams? Well, being an internet aficionada I don't have lots of magazines around to cut up anymore; but I could copy pictures from the web. I Googled images for phrases like,
- full measure of the harvest
- receiving one's full share
- earning your share
- workers in the vineyard
So I just sat down into myself and listened to my gut. It occurred to me to number the pictures. Then I tore up little pieces of paper with the numbers 1-23 on them and then I had a hunch to add a blank, #24. I put them all in a vase and asked my intuition what I needed to learn in that moment. I was going to pick out the numbers and line up the pictures in the order the numbers came up.
I meant to pick up one number, but I got two. Then I reached in again for a piece, and this time I got 5 pieces! I put the numbers on the table in the order that seemed right and then looked at the corresponding pictures to see which ones were chosen and if there'd be a discernable story.
First the two pieces: a sack of grain and a beautiful landscape with a peaceful lake and trees. The picture of the lake was called Full Measure Lane and is almost identical to the view outside my home. I have lots of dissatisfaction about where I'm living right now, so these "current state" pictures caught me by surprise.
As for the five pieces: Well! You could have knocked me over with a feather. The work felt done. Check out the pictures to see the results!
These photos are from Flickr Creative Commons.
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